At Risevest, we’ve always been dedicated to empowering individuals to grow their wealth through smart investment choices. We’re taking this commitment further with Assetbase, a platform that connects companies, issuers, creators, and developers with diverse investors. 

Whether you’re a seasoned angel investor, a curious individual, a loyal customer, or anyone interested in owning a stake in unique private assets, Assetbase offers you the opportunity to be part of something bigger.

So, what is Assetbase?

Assetbase is a dynamic marketplace that empowers companies and issuers to raise capital for their ventures, sell stakes in their projects, and showcase their campaigns to diverse investors. But it doesn’t stop there – Assetbase is designed to democratise private investment, making it accessible and straightforward for individuals, institutional investors, angel investors, cooperatives, friends, customers, and even team members to purchase and trade shares in these private assets seamlessly and securely.

Imagine being able to invest in companies, projects, or campaigns that resonate with your values and aspirations, a piece of the next groundbreaking tech startup, a masterpiece from a rising artist, or a sustainable real estate project. With Assetbase, these dreams become a reality.

Why Assetbase?

You might wonder how Assetbase stands out from other crowdfunding or exchange platforms. Let us highlight a few key differentiators.

Regulatory Excellence: Assetbase operates across multiple jurisdictions with advisory and broker-dealer partnerships that enable us to register offerings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. This ensures regulatory compliance and opens up opportunities for global investors. No matter where you invest, you have legal ownership and full economic rights over your investments on Assetbase.

Rigorous Vetting for Quality Assets: We’re committed to your success. Our platform meticulously vets and curates offerings for quality, validity, safety, and returns potential. You can trust that the opportunities you explore on Assetbase are of the highest calibre, similar to the best exchanges in the world.

Liquidity and Speed: Assetbase facilitates trading through institutional liquidity partners and proprietary trading infrastructure. This means you can quickly and securely trade your shares in projects or cash out your stake in any asset on Assetbase, just like on a stock exchange. Enjoy the benefits of swift and efficient trading.

We believe in pushing boundaries and creating solutions that redefine industries. Assetbase is a testament to our commitment to innovation, empowerment, and global collaboration. And we’re on a mission to unlock the vast potential of private assets across emerging and developed markets. Many valuable assets remain untapped, restricting individual investment opportunities and stifling business growth. Assetbase will change this by creating inclusive wealth generation, fostering growth, and facilitating ambitious projects.

We are excited to invite you to join the exclusive waitlist for Assetbase. By joining the waitlist, you’ll enjoy various benefits, including early access, priority investment opportunities, and the chance to shape the platform through your valuable feedback.

How to Join the Waitlist

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  • Enter your email on the homepage to secure your spot.
  • Stay tuned for other exciting updates.