Everyone wants to grow their wealth and meet their financial goals— from the trader in the market to the university professor to the young tech founder. However, investing your hard-earned money is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your financial future. Where do you invest? How do you begin? What options do you have available? These are some of the questions you may have.

As a Nigerian investor— beginner or not— it is essential to consider the options available and weigh their pros and cons. Two popular investment options available in Nigeria are stock and real estate investments, which we’ll discuss in this article to help you decide which suits you better.

Stock Investment: Building Wealth through the Stock Market

Stock investment involves buying shares of publicly traded companies listed on the stock market. When you invest in stocks, you become a shareholder, owning a portion of the company’s assets and earnings. 

Some companies offer investors different stock options in Nigeria, ranging from Nigerian stocks to foreign stocks like Meta, Alphabet, JPMorgan, and Apple. One of these companies is Risevest, a dollar-denominated investment platform that puts your money in high-quality assets, helping you build wealth and achieve your financial goals.

Benefits of investing in stocks

  • Liquidity

One of the key advantages of stock investment is liquidity. Stocks are highly liquid assets, meaning they can be easily bought or sold on the stock market. This flexibility allows investors to react quickly to market changes or take advantage of potential investment opportunities.

  • Opportunity for diversification

Another benefit of stock investment is the opportunity for diversification. The stock market offers a wide range of companies across various sectors. By investing in different stocks, you can spread your risk. If one company or sector underperforms, your portfolio can still be protected by the performance of other stocks in different industries.

  • Potential for significant growth

Stocks also provide the potential for significant growth. Well-performing companies can experience substantial capital appreciation over the long term. Investing in fundamentally strong companies with solid growth prospects can lead to impressive returns on investment.

Downsides of stock investing

Although stock investing has quite some benefits, it comes with its disadvantages. The stock market is volatile, with prices subject to frequent fluctuations due to market conditions and economic factors. This volatility can lead to short-term losses and requires investors to have a long-term perspective, remaining focused on their investment objectives.

Furthermore, stock investors have little control over the day-to-day operations of the companies they invest in. As a passive shareholder, you have no direct say in management decisions. Changes in company leadership, poor performance, or unforeseen events can impact the value of your investment.

Real Estate Investment: Profiting from Property Ownership

Real estate investment involves purchasing land, residential homes, commercial buildings, or rental properties. Real estate investments provide tangible assets with inherent value. Many Nigerian companies offer numerous opportunities for real estate investment, even in the global market, with a growing population and increasing demand for housing and commercial spaces. One such company is Risevest, which invests in a portfolio of rented buildings in the US, managing your money for returns through rent and capital appreciation.

Benefits of investing in real estate

Some of the benefits of real estate investing include:

  • Potential for cash flow

One of the main advantages of real estate investment is the potential for cash flow and passive income. By purchasing rental properties, you can generate regular income through rental payments. This offers a steady cash flow stream that can provide financial stability and grow over time.

  • Control and flexibility

Real estate also provides a certain level of control and flexibility. Unlike stocks, where you are a passive shareholder, real estate investments can allow you to make decisions that directly impact your investment returns. You can control property management, renovations, rental rates, and overall property strategy.

  • Hedge against inflation

Additionally, real estate investments can act as a hedge against inflation. Land and properties have the potential to appreciate over time, keeping pace with or even outpacing inflation. This can help preserve and grow your wealth in the long run.

Downsides of Real estate investing

Despite the above benefits associated with real estate investment, it has drawbacks. Here are some of them:

  • Not very liquid

Liquidity is the ease with which an asset can be readily converted to cash while maintaining its market price and value. Real estate is relatively illiquid (cannot be easily converted to cash) compared to stocks. Selling a property may take time, and the process can involve transaction costs such as legal fees and property transfer taxes. This lack of liquidity means that real estate investments may not be suitable for those needing quick access to cash.

  • Availability of funds

Real estate investment also requires a substantial initial investment. Purchasing properties often involves significant capital, including down payments, property maintenance costs, and other associated expenses. This can make it challenging for some individuals to enter the real estate market. Rise, however, makes real estate investing easy for investors. With as low as $10, you can invest in US real estate on Rise. 

We aggregate investments from our clients, which we use to purchase rental properties across the United States to generate returns for our investors through rental income and price appreciation when properties get sold. If you haven’t started, you can start investing here.

  • Potential market and location risks

Additionally, real estate investment carries market and location risks. The value of real estate can be influenced by factors such as the property’s location, market demand, and local economic conditions. Investing in properties in undesirable locations or during a downturn in the real estate market can result in decreased property values or difficulty finding tenants, impacting your investment returns.

Factors to consider before choosing between real estate and stocks.

When deciding between stock and real estate investments, you must consider some factors specific to your financial goals, risk tolerance, and personal circumstances.

  1. Risk and Return: Stocks generally offer higher potential returns but have higher volatility. On the other hand, real estate tends to be more stable but may offer moderate returns over the long term. Consider your risk appetite and the level of risk you are comfortable with when making your investment decision.
  2. Liquidity: If you require quick access to your funds or prefer investments that can be easily bought or sold, stocks offer greater liquidity. On the other hand, real estate investments can be more illiquid and may take time to sell.
  1. Investment Horizon: Determine your investment horizon, i.e., the length of time you intend to hold your investment. Stocks are often more suitable for long-term investors who can weather short-term market fluctuations. Real estate investments, particularly rental properties, tend to provide stable income over a more extended period.
  1. Expertise and Involvement: Consider your knowledge and experience in the respective investment fields. Stocks require research, analysis, and staying informed about the companies you invest in. Real estate investments may require understanding property market dynamics, property management, and tenant relations. Assess your comfort level with each investment option based on your expertise and willingness to be involved in the investment process.

On Risevest, however, we take that stress off you. We do the work for you and are fully committed to investing your money at the best available price and conditions. So you don’t have to worry too much about the market.

  1. Portfolio Diversification: Diversification is key to managing risk. Assess how your investment in stocks or real estate would complement the existing assets in your investment portfolio. Diversifying across different asset classes can help mitigate risk and potentially enhance overall returns.
  2. Tax Considerations: Evaluate the tax implications associated with each investment option. Both stocks and real estate have tax considerations, including capital gains tax, rental income tax, and property taxes.


Both stock and real estate investments offer unique advantages and disadvantages for Nigerian investors. Stocks provide liquidity, diversification, and the potential for high returns but also carry market volatility and lack of control. Real estate investment offers tangible assets, cash flow, and control but requires significant capital and can be less liquid.

Ultimately, the choice between stock and real estate investment depends on your financial goals, risk tolerance, investment horizon and other personal needs. It’s essential to conduct thorough research. You may also want to consider a diversified investment approach to maximise your chances of achieving your financial objectives. Rise gives you that. You can diversify your investment portfolio by investing in our stock and real estate plans, mitigating risks and tapping into the potential of higher returns.