It’s okay to want to have all the fun you can in December. It’s been a stressful year; December, just before the new year and decade starts is the best time to unwind and get some rest. But it’s never the best time to make financial decisions you’ll regret in January or the rest of the year. Last week, we told you about being financially wise during Black Friday. This week, we’re sharing tips on how to enjoy your December on a good budget. 

  1. Host a small get together: Yes you want to shut down Quilox and go bar hopping. All your friends will be there and your Instagram needs some spice anyway. But do you really need to? Think of the money you’ll spend on taxis or fuel, the money you’ll spend on drinks and food, and then think about your account balance. Is it really worth it? Here’s a better idea: in the comfort of your home, have a little get together. This is the best way to catch up with friends you haven’t seen all year and family members that are busy hustling to chill. The best part is, you get to have actual conversations without having to raise your voice and strain your ears over the din of loud music. Here’s where it’s financially responsible: you don’t have to pay for much. Get everyone to bring their own booze or contribute to the meal at the party and there you have it, fun from the comfort of your home.
  2. Decide how many concerts or events are actually worth attending: If you make a list of everything happening in December, chances are that you’ll conclude on the fact that 80% appeal to you. But that’s actually not true. A lot of the time, it’s our fear of missing out that pushes us to go to events — everyone will be there. It’s more financially responsible to choose a select few concerts and events and stick to them. This will also save you from burning out after. 
  3. Make a budget: From the get go, it’s important to determine how much you’re willing to allocate to December fun and itemize in detail what you’ll be using every Kobo for.  This will help you avoid overspending and even show you if you have a few thousand to spare on extra enjoyment.
  4. Cheap yet thoughtful Christmas/end of the year gifts: Christmas is the best time to express gratitude to everyone who’s made the year worth it. From your partner to your boss and domestic help, it’s important to show some love. But how do you do this without spending too much and eating into your savings? DIY — saving lives since the beginning of time. Instead of spending money on hampers which some people might not find valuable, make something nice or buy something affordable that they need. It could be anything from a photobook to a bottle of wine they like. Or cook them a meal, help them around the house or take them somewhere nice for a change. You don’t need to outdo yourself or anyone else to show your appreciation. As they say, it’s the thought that counts.
  5. Go out in a group: Do we need to say more? This just helps you take care of a ton of finances. From splitting the bill at a restaurant to splitting the cost of your cab or accommodation. Group discounts, split hotel room fees, and shared meals are great ways to travel and party with friends while saving money.
  6. Volunteer or Donate: The holiday season is enjoyable for most people but unbearable for a lot of other people. Don’t forget to show some love this season by giving out old but good clothes and volunteering to feed a community. This might not sound like Detty December, but it sure makes for a fulfilling one.
  7. Find inexpensive places to have fun. You don’t need more than N1000 to have fun at the beach. Pack a picnic, gather your friends and visit JJT Park if you’re on the mainland or Lekki Conservatory if you’re on the island. Go canoeing or leave the Lagos craziness behind and drive down to Tarkwa Bay or even Abeokuta for a cheap, friend packed get away.

There are many ways you can flex Detty December without ruining your bank account. And now that we’ve helped you save some money this December, let’s tell you how to use that money to make money in a very financially responsible way. 

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