Do you want to learn how to earn money in dollars? Many people dream of making money in a foreign currency, and the United States dollar is a popular choice. 

In this blog post, we will explore why it is wise to earn in dollars and 10 different ways that you can do so from Nigeria. 

We hope that this information will help guide you on your journey to financial success.

The United States Dollar (USD) is the most popular currency in the world, and it is used in many different countries. When you earn money in dollars, you can be sure that your earnings will have a global reach. Additionally, the dollar is a stable currency, so you can be confident that your earnings will not fluctuate wildly.

There are many reasons why you might want to earn money in dollars from Nigeria. Perhaps, you have family members who live in the United States and you want to send them money. Or  you may be planning to travel to the United States and need to save up some cash. Whatever your reason, we are here to help!

9 easy ways that you can start earning in dollars from Nigeria

How to earn money in dollars from Nigeria? Here are 10 easy ways that you can start:

  1. Start a blog and sell advertising space.
  2. Create an online course and sell it to people in the United States.
  3. Become an affiliate for a company that sells products in dollars.
  4. Do some freelance work for clients in the United States.
  5. Sell handmade crafts or goods online to buyers in the United States.
  6. Launch an e-commerce store that sells products in dollars.
  7. Participate in online surveys and receive payments in dollars.
  8. Complete short tasks or micro jobs online and get paid in dollars.

  1. Invest in US assets

Let’s take a look at each of them

1. Start a blog and sell advertising space.

How to earn in dollars in Nigeria — Start a blog and sell advertising space

If you’re looking for how to earn money in dollars, you may want to consider starting a blog. Blogging is beneficial to writers and business owners who have online presence as it is one of the most popular and effective ecommerce marketing strategies

There are a few different ways to start a blog and sell advertising space. One way is to create a blog through a website like Blogger or WordPress. These websites provide templates and hosting for your blog, and they also take care of the advertising for you.

Another way to start a blog is to purchase your own domain name and hosting. This will give you more control over your blog, but you’ll need to set up the advertising yourself. Finally, you could use a social media platform like Facebook or Twitter to create a blog. These platforms don’t provide hosting or templates, but they do make it easy to share your content with others.

No matter which method you choose, there are a few things you’ll need to do in order to start selling advertising space on your blog. The first step is to develop an advertising policy. This document will outline the rules and regulations for advertising on your blog. It should include information on how ads will be displayed, what kind of ads are allowed, and how often ads will be rotated.

The second step is to create an advertising kit. This kit should include information about your blog, such as its demographics and audience size, as well as information about the advertisers who have partnered with you. It’s also important to include pricing information and a copy of your advertising policy.

The third step is to reach out to potential advertisers. Let them know about the benefits of advertising on your blog, and send them copies of your advertising policy and advertising kit. Be sure to follow up with them after they’ve had a chance to review the information, and work with them to create an ad that meets their needs and fits within the guidelines of your policy.

You can also apply for Google adsense on your blog. To apply for Google Adsense, you will need a Google account. If you don’t have one, you can create one for free here . Once you have a Google account, you can apply for Adsense at

To apply for Adsense, you will need to provide some information about your website, such as the URL and the language it is written in. You will also need to provide some information about yourself, such as your name and contact information.

Once you have submitted your application, it will be reviewed by Google. If your website meets the requirements for participation in the Adsense program, your application will be approved and you will start displaying ads on your website.

There are a few ways that you can earn from Google Adsense on your blog.

The first way is to simply add the Adsense code to your blog and let Google place ads on your site.

The second way is to use Adsense for search, which allows you to place search boxes on your site and earn money from the ads that are displayed when people use your search engine.

The third way is to use Adsense for content, which allows you to place targeted ads on your site.

2. Create an online course and sell it to people in the United States.

How to earn in dollars in Nigeria — Create an online course and sell it to people in the United States.

If you’re looking to create an online course and sell it to people in the United States, there are a few things you need to know. First, you’ll need to determine what the course will cover. Once you’ve nailed down the content, you’ll need to create a course outline and develop a curriculum. Next, you’ll need to create some promotional materials, such as a course description and pricing information. Finally, you’ll need to set up a payment processing system and start selling your courses!

Follow these simple steps to start your online course:

1. Choose a topic for your course. 

2. Create a course outline. 

3. Record your lectures or create video content. 

4. Upload your content to a learning management system (LMS). 

5. Market your course to potential learners.

There are a variety of platforms to sell your online course. Some popular platforms include Udemy, Coursera, and Teachable. These platforms allow you to create a course and sell it to learners around the world. They also provide tools to help you market and promote your course.

3. Become an affiliate for a company that sells products in dollars.

How to earn in dollars in Nigeria — Become an affiliate for a company that sells products in dollars.

Another tip on how to earn money in dollars is by becoming an affiliate marketer.. Affiliate marketing is a process where a company rewards its affiliates for each customer that they refer to the company. The affiliate can be an individual or a company that promotes the company’s products or services. When someone clicks on the affiliate’s link and makes a purchase, the affiliate is then paid a commission by the company.

If you want to become an affiliate for a company that sells products in dollars, you’ll need to sign up for their affiliate program. Once you’re signed up, you’ll receive a unique URL that you can use to promote the company’s products. When someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase, you’ll earn a commission on the sale.

4. Do some freelance work for clients in the United States.

How to earn in dollars in Nigeria — Do some freelance work for clients in the United States.

Freelancing is a term used for professionals who are self-employed and work on a project-by-project basis. This type of work arrangement is often appealing to freelancers because it offers more freedom and flexibility than traditional employment. Freelancers can usually choose the projects they want to work on and set their own hours.

Some freelancing platforms include UpWork, Fiverr, and PeoplePerHour.

There are a few important things you need to do in order to start freelancing.

First, you’ll need to create a portfolio of your work. This can be a website, or a simple PDF or Word document. In your portfolio, include examples of your best work, as well as a brief description of each project.

Finally, you’ll need to start marketing yourself. Start by creating a list of potential clients and sending them your portfolio. You can also post about your services on online forums and social media platforms.

Next, you’ll need to set up a payment system. There are a number of ways to do this, but the most common is through PayPal or Stripe.

5. Sell handmade crafts or goods online to buyers in the United States.

If you are interested in selling your handmade crafts or goods online to buyers in the United States, there are a few things you need to know. First, you will need to create an online shop or store.

There are a number of platforms that you can use for this, such as Shopify, Etsy, and eBay. Next, you will need to photograph your products and create product descriptions.

Be sure to highlight the unique features of your products and explain why someone should buy them.

Finally, you will need to set prices that are fair and competitive. You may want to experiment with different prices to see what works best for you.

6. Launch an ecommerce store that sells products in dollars.

How to earn in dollars in Nigeria — Do some freelance work for clients in the United States.

Another tip on how to earn money in dollars is by owning an ecommerce store that sells products in dollars. Follow these 5 steps to start one:

a. Choose a Platform

The first step in launching an ecommerce store is choosing the platform on which to build it. There are a variety of options, but Shopify and WooCommerce are two of the most popular. They both have extensive feature sets, are easy to use, and have large ecosystems of themes and plugins that can be used to extend their functionality.

b. Set Up Your Store

Once you’ve chosen a platform, you need to set up your store. This includes creating your account, setting up your store’s settings, and adding your products. The process is relatively straightforward andShopify and WooCommerce both have comprehensive documentation that can help guide you through the process.

c. Choose a Domain Name and Hosting

Next, you’ll need to choose a domain name for your store and purchase hosting. This can be done through a variety of providers such as GoDaddy or Bluehost. Be sure to choose a domain name that is relevant to your business and easy to remember.

d. Setup Your Payment Processor

In order to accept payments, you’ll need to set up a payment processor. There are a variety of options available, but PayPal and Stripe are two of the most popular. They both have extensive integrations with a variety of platforms and are easy to use.

e. Create Marketing Materials

Finally, you’ll need to create marketing materials for your store such as a logo, website banner, and product images. These can be created using design software such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. Be sure to create high-quality images that accurately represent your products.

7. Participate in online surveys and receive payments in dollars.

There are many survey companies that will pay you in dollars for your participation. To find these companies, do a simple internet search for “paid online surveys.” A few of the more reputable companies include:

Survey Junkie, Swagbucks, and Inbox Dollars

You can sign up to these companies and start taking surveys right away. Most of these companies will send you surveys on a regular basis, and you will be notified when a new survey is available. Once you have completed the survey, the company will pay you in dollars via PayPal or by mailing you a check.

There are a few key things to remember when participating in online surveys in order to receive payments.

First, it is important to find reputable survey companies in order to ensure that payments are made as promised.

Second, always read the terms and conditions of a survey before participating, as some may have restrictions on who can qualify for payment or how much can be earned.

Finally, make sure to provide accurate information when signing up for surveys, as this will help ensure that payments are made accurately.

8. Complete short tasks or micro jobs online and get paid in dollars.

There are a number of websites that allow you to complete short tasks (microjobs) in order to earn money. These sites include:

Fiverr: This site allows you to offer your services for a fee of $5 or more. Services offered on Fiverr can include anything from writing a review to creating a logo.

CrowdFlower: CrowdFlower is a site that allows you to complete small tasks, such as identifying objects in photos or transcribing short audio clips, in order to earn money. 

Amazon Mechanical Turk: This is a site that allows you to complete small tasks, known as “HITs” (Human Intelligence Tasks), for money. HITs can include things like identifying objects in photos or writing short reviews.

To start earning money through these sites, simply create an account and start browsing the available tasks. When you find a task that you want to complete, read the instructions thoroughly and then follow the steps to submit your finished work. Be sure to submit high-quality work in order to receive positive reviews and more work opportunities.

9.Invest in US assets

How to earn in dollars in Nigeria — Invest in US assets

Diversification is a key financial strategy in growing wealth and reaching your financial goals. You can achieve this by diving into the global market and owning shares of companies abroad, particularly the US. 

As an investor, investing your money outside of your home country helps to hedge your portfolio against various risks. 

There are a few reasons you may want to invest in US assets, and we’ve written everything you need to know in this article.

You can easily gain footing in the global market using Risevest, a dollar-investment company that gives you access to a portfolio of 30 high-growth stocks and real estate across the US market.

We hope that these 9 ideas have inspired you to start earning money in dollars from Nigeria.